Microbiome Tests

by | Feb 8, 2023



Microbiome Tests


The human microbiome is the collection of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, that live on and inside our bodies. It plays an important role in our immune system, digestion, and overall health. We have many microbiomes: including those found on your skin, mouth and nasal passages that are separate, yet connected microbiomes. There are even microbiomes around your eyes and in your lungs. But usually, when people talk about your microbiome, they mean the one in your large intestine. Recent advances in technology have made it possible to test the microbiome. This helps us better understand our health. Microbiome tests can provide us with valuable information about our health. We can use these tests to make more informed decisions about our diet, lifestyle, and overall wellbeing.

The test looks at the types and amounts of microorganisms present in a sample of your saliva, stool, or skin. This allows us to see which types of bacteria are present in our bodies and how they interact with each other. The test results can provide insight into our digestive health, immunity, and overall wellbeing. Scientists have used gut microbiome testing in some of the most valuable medical discoveries of the 21st century. There’s a mountain of research that proves gut microbiome testing (when done properly) is a legitimate way to find out about the types and levels of specific types of microbes in someone’s gut [1]. At-home microbiome tests are available online, and many microbiome testing companies offer them for a reasonable price. Currently, the at-home market does not have a free microbiome test available. 



Identify Health Issues


We can use the tests to monitor the health of our microbiome over time. We can also use them to identify imbalances in our microbiome that may be causing health problems. For example, an imbalance in the types of bacteria in our gut can lead to digestive issues, such as constipation or diarrhea. A gut microbiome test can help identify these imbalances and potential causes. We can also monitor the effectiveness of diet and lifestyle changes by repeating gut microbiome testing. For example, if you’re making changes to your diet to improve your digestion, a gut microbiome test can help you track your progress. It can also help you identify any imbalances that may be causing digestive issues, such as an overgrowth of yeast or an imbalance of beneficial bacteria.

Overall, the at-home tests are relatively simple to do. Typically, they will ask you to provide a sample of saliva, stool, or skin. The sample is then sent to a lab for analysis. The results are emailed to you and typically made available on a secure website or app from the testing company. You can use the information you receive from the test to monitor your health and make changes to your diet and lifestyle.

At-home tests are a great way to get a better understanding of our health and make more informed decisions about our diet and lifestyle. They can help us identify imbalances in our microbiome that may be causing health problems and monitor the effectiveness of diet and lifestyle changes. If you’re interested in learning more about your microbiome, a microbiome test is a great way to get started.






[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6391518/


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